Yesod VeShoresh HaAvodah Volume 2 The Authoritative 18th Century Guide to Heartfelt Prayer and Inspired Service of Hashem She'arim 5-7 [Hardcover]

Brand: ArtScroll Publications
By: Alexander Ziskind of Horodna
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Discover a Classic Work - And Watch Your Own Tefillos Soar!

Of course, we daven. Of course, we say the words.

But have you ever wanted to bring authentic passion and fire to your tefillos?

Have you ever wanted to truly feel connected to Hashem through your mitzvos, and even through your day-to-day activities? This classic sefer will help.

Published close to 250 years ago by Rav Alexander Ziskind of Horodna, Sefer Yesod VeShoresh HaAvodah outlines the kavanos, the intentions we should have before performing any mitzvah. It also brilliantly describes the intensity and kavanos we should have in our prayers, and the deeper meaning of specific tefillos.

This volume includes a phrase-by-phrase translation, elucidation, detailed explanatory notes and a summary at the end of each chapter. Each feature has been carefully designed to guide the reader into understanding the sefer's many vital teachings and make the sefer accessible to all.

Finally, we can bring the author's passion, fervor and holiness into our own lives, and into our own mitzvos and tefillos, profoundly deepening our connection to prayer and to our Creator.

Vol. 2 contains She'arim (Gateways) 5-7 of the sefer, covering the following topics, among others:

Shaar 5 — The Gate of the Offering: Inspirational thoughts to enhance our Shemoneh Esrei and the conclusion of Shacharis, as well as halachos and minhagim pertaining to those parts of the davening and Krias HaTorah.
Shaar 6 — The Gate of the Spark: An exposition of the tremendous value of Torah study, a program for mastering all areas of Torah, and kavanos to be pondered before learning each area of Torah.
Shaar 7 — The Gate of the Firstborn: How to serve Hashem through one’s eating (based on the teachings of Arizal), a related discussion delineating a proper approach to enjoying worldly pleasures, kavanos for Bircas HaMazon, and inspirational thoughts to enhance our prayers of Minchah, Maariv, and the Bedtime Krias Shema.

Binding: Hardcover
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 640
Color: Green
Language: Hebrew/English
Publisher: ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date: 04/11/2024
ISBN-10: 1422640272
ISBN-13: 9781422640272

Yesod VeShoresh HaAvodah Vol. 2[Hardcover]
The Authoritative 18th Century Guide to Heartfelt Prayer and Inspired Service of Hashem
She'arim 5 - 7

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