Yad Avrohom Mishnah Series 15 - Tractate Kesubos - Seder Nashim 1b [Hardcover]

Brand: ArtScroll Publications
By: A.J. Rosenberg
Product ID: 9780899062778 FREE GIFTS with your order - New gifts added monthly
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Yad Avrohom Mishnah Series 15 - Tractate Kesubos (Seder Nashim 1b): A new translation with a commentary anthologized from Talmudic, Midrashic and Rabbinic sources

Product Description
This Tractate discusses marriage contracts and financial obligations.

The ArtScroll Mishnah Series with Yad Avraham commentary brings the text to life as it is developed and clarified by contending minds in the study hall.

Hebrew text fully punctuated and vowelized
New English translation distinguished for clarity
In-depth introduction preceding each tractate
Every phrase in the Mishnah is accounted for; no need to refer back and forth from text to commentary
Illustrative diagrams to explain concepts
Prefatory comments to introduce new concepts
Yad Avraham commentary covering the full range of major, and many secondary, commentaries

ISBN-10: 0899062776
ISBN-13: 9780899062778
Binding: Hardcover / Pages: 258
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Published: by ArtScroll / Mesorah

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