Reflections and Introspection on Sabbath and Prayer [Hardcover]

By: Moshe Antebi, Moshe Shapiro
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Reflections and Introspection on
Sabbath and Prayer [Hardcover]
Torah Insights of Harav Hagoan Hagadol Rav Moshe Shapiro
By: Moshe Antebi

Product Description
Harav Hagaon Rav Moshe Shapiro of blessed memory (1935-2017), whose Torah insights grace these pages, dedicated his life to convey the core principles of Torah faith in all its multifaceted dimensions. He once told the author the Emunah is the heart and soul of his every Torah insight.

The depth and breadth of his creative approach, his profound understanding of Torah wisdom along with its immediate relevance to life, and his ability to clarify even the most esoteric concepts are legendary. For over forty years, he has given countless weekly lectures in every area of the Torah to the most diverse audiences. And by his own testimony, he always introduced at least one novel insight each time he spoke.

But he never wrote. He said it would require him to focus on past insights and he always sought new ones. He was a veritable wellspring of Torah. The current series attempts to capture his words in writing as near as possible to the way they were spoken. Sources for quoted texts have been added and concepts have been divided into sections.

The work is entirely in English to benefit those with minimal background. Alongside all quotes, the original Hebrew text is cited to accommodate those familiar with the original, and to underscore various inflections in translation.

Binding: Hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 687
Publisher: ZYA Publications

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