Queen You Thought You Knew Unmasking Esther's Hidden Story [Hardcover]

Brand: Maggid Books
By: David Fohrman
Product ID: 9781592646166
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There is another Purim story out there, a richer, deeper narrative - more suited, perhaps, to the eyes of an adult than to those of a child. But in order to see that story, we need to let go mentally of everything we thought we knew about the Book of Esther and read her tale anew, as if for the first time. We need to allow ourselves to be surprised by it. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see the surprises. You just have to read with open eyes. Remember that game you sometimes played when you were young, “What’s Wrong with This Picture”? There would be a nice forest scene complete with flora, fauna, sky, sun, and clouds. At first, everything seemed normal. But if you looked closely, you would find that little things were askew. There was a toaster plugged into a tree. Or a shadow was out of alignment with the sun…. In this book, we are going to read the Book of Esther as if we were playing that game. Everything seems simple and straightforward. But then you start to notice the toasters plugged into the trees…. The picture that seemed so simple, so innocent, and so childlike suddenly seems vaguely unnerving and out of kilter. The sun is out of alignment with the shadows. These surprises are clues. They are guideposts that illuminate a deeper story, one that lies just beneath the surface of the text. If we piece together enough of these clues, we will end up glimpsing the hidden face of the Book of Esther, a three-dimensional story of stark emotional power and spiritual import.

About the Author
Rabbi David Fohrman is an internationally renowned lecturer on biblical themes, and the founder and principal educator at Aleph Beta. He has served as an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University, and as a lead writer and editor for ArtScroll's Talmud translation project. Rabbi Fohrman has also served as scholar for the Hoffberger Foundation for Torah Study. He is the author of The Beast That Crouches at the Door, a finalist for the 2007 National Jewish Book Award, The Queen You Thought You Knew, and The Exodus You Almost Passed Over. His most recent publication is Genesis: A Parsha Companion, the first of a five volume set on the weekly Torah portion.

Rabbi Fohrman spent his childhood years in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he reveled in the opportunity to hike in Yosemite National Park. He currently lives in Woodmere, NY, with his wife and children (but is still game to head back to Yosemite at a moment's notice). A full library of his works is available at www.alephbeta.org.

Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 162
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 1 inches
Language: English
Publisher: Maggid Books (May 1, 2024)
ISBN-10: 1592646166
ISBN-13: 978-1592646166

The Queen You Thought You Knew: Unmasking Esther's Hidden Story Hardcover Book
By: David Fohrman

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