Jigsaw Puzzle Beis HaBechirah 56 Pieces

Brand: C.I.S. Publishers
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Do you know about the Beis Hamikdash (Beis Habechirah)? It's a special place for Jewish people built in Jerusalem a long time ago by King Shlomo. It was a beautiful temple where people from all over the world, including non-Jews, would come to pray, offer sacrifices, and connect with Hashem. Sadly, both Beis Hamikdashs were destroyed - the first by the Babylonians and the second by the Romans. Jewish people are waiting for the new Beis Hamikdash to come with Moshiach. We can help by doing more Mitzvos and making the world a better place!

-Promotes hand eye coordination
-Fine motor skills
-Problem solving skills

For ages 3+.

Jigsaw Puzzle Beis HaBechirah 56 Pieces

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