Halachic Worldviews [Hardcover]
Brand: Mosaica PressBy: Tzvi Goldstein
Product ID: 9781957579603
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“From the sources of Halachah, a new worldview awaits formulation.”
With this one line, Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik captured a powerful telos for talmud Torah: to shape our perspective on the world and its challenges, and to point us in the right direction to navigate them successfully. Properly understood, pesukim, sugyos, and psakim convey not just what to do to satisfy the demands of the halachic system, but how to think about everything we do in life. According to this view, Torah imparts the ideals and values that Hashem wants us to bring to bear on society; halachah affords us the opportunity to think about and reinforce those ideals and values through practice.
But while Rav Soloveitchik — and Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch before him — championed this perspective, there is still much work that needs to be done to apply it. This sefer attempts to reveal, in an accessible style, the power and beauty of this approach, tackling topics such as bris milah, berachos, beis k’nesses/beis midrash, hashavas aveidah, and the holidays of Sukkos and Pesach, to draw out “worldviews” from these “sources of Halachah.”
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 285
Language: English
Publisher: Mosaica Press (April 4, 2023)
ISBN-10: 1957579609
ISBN-13: 978-1957579603
Halachic Worldviews [Hardcover]
Directions From Jewish Law
By: Rabbi Tzvi Goldstein
About the Author:
Tzvi Goldstein attended Yeshivat Hakotel as a talmid before studying at Yeshiva University. Learning mainly from Rav Mayer Twersky, Rav Mordechai Willig, and Rav Michael Rosensweig, he graduated with a degree in psychology and went to Israel to continue learning for semichah, ultimately deciding to make aliyah. He has been teaching since then at Yeshivat Hakotel.
Tzvi is passionate about uncovering the relevance of Torah to life, and dedicates his time to assisting talmidim in finding and committing to their unique role as part of the Jewish People. He is blessed to be married to Jeanette and father to Avraham, Yosef, and Ephraim.
“From the sources of Halachah, a new worldview awaits formulation.”
With this one line, Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik captured a powerful telos for talmud Torah: to shape our perspective on the world and its challenges, and to point us in the right direction to navigate them successfully. Properly understood, pesukim, sugyos, and psakim convey not just what to do to satisfy the demands of the halachic system, but how to think about everything we do in life. According to this view, Torah imparts the ideals and values that Hashem wants us to bring to bear on society; halachah affords us the opportunity to think about and reinforce those ideals and values through practice.
But while Rav Soloveitchik — and Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch before him — championed this perspective, there is still much work that needs to be done to apply it. This sefer attempts to reveal, in an accessible style, the power and beauty of this approach, tackling topics such as bris milah, berachos, beis k’nesses/beis midrash, hashavas aveidah, and the holidays of Sukkos and Pesach, to draw out “worldviews” from these “sources of Halachah.”
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 285
Language: English
Publisher: Mosaica Press (April 4, 2023)
ISBN-10: 1957579609
ISBN-13: 978-1957579603
Halachic Worldviews [Hardcover]
Directions From Jewish Law
By: Rabbi Tzvi Goldstein
About the Author:
Tzvi Goldstein attended Yeshivat Hakotel as a talmid before studying at Yeshiva University. Learning mainly from Rav Mayer Twersky, Rav Mordechai Willig, and Rav Michael Rosensweig, he graduated with a degree in psychology and went to Israel to continue learning for semichah, ultimately deciding to make aliyah. He has been teaching since then at Yeshivat Hakotel.
Tzvi is passionate about uncovering the relevance of Torah to life, and dedicates his time to assisting talmidim in finding and committing to their unique role as part of the Jewish People. He is blessed to be married to Jeanette and father to Avraham, Yosef, and Ephraim.
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