Hadlakas Neiros Booklet Vezakenu Design White Ashkenaz [Hardcover]
Brand: SimchonimProduct ID: S6223
Hadlakas Neiros Booklet Vezakenu Design White Ashkenaz
Product Desription
Hardcover is designed with silver embossments and Swarovski crystals.
Includes: Shabbos candle lighting, tefillah for after candle lighting, tefilas Chanah, tefillah for a woman to recite for her husband’s and childrens' wellbeing and tefilas HaShelah, Shir Hashirim, Birchas Hamazon and Sheva Berachos.
Nusach: Ashkenaz
Color: White
Size: 4.75" x 8.65"
Binding: Hardcover
Product Desription
Hardcover is designed with silver embossments and Swarovski crystals.
Includes: Shabbos candle lighting, tefillah for after candle lighting, tefilas Chanah, tefillah for a woman to recite for her husband’s and childrens' wellbeing and tefilas HaShelah, Shir Hashirim, Birchas Hamazon and Sheva Berachos.
Nusach: Ashkenaz
Color: White
Size: 4.75" x 8.65"
Binding: Hardcover
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