Exploring Modern Halachic Dilemmas Volume 3 [Hardcover]
Brand: ArtScroll PublicationsBy: Zvi Ryzman
Product ID: 9781422633328

Rabbi Zvi Ryzman is a phenomenon. He calls himself an ish asakim, a businessman — which he is, and a successful one — but that is his sideline. His first love is learning, and he is an accomplished talmid chacham.
But there is much more — and that is why he and this book are so special. He chooses topics that few people realize present halachic dilemmas, especially topics that relate to current issues, issues that may not have existed in the time of the classic poskim. Nevertheless, the Torah is so rich and all-encompassing that the principles are there — in the Talmud, the commentators, and response of previous generations and contemporary poskim. Has any posek ever wondered if one may send mishloach manos with a drone?
Rabbi Ryzman researches, analyzes, and elucidates. When he’s finished, we have a clear understanding of the topic and a very good idea of the various halachic approaches. In this, his third volume of Exploring Modern Halachic Dilemmas, he discusses, among other subjects, Rabbi Ryzman presents eleven fascinating discussions, among them:
- Traveling on Succos
- Flying on a Fast Day
- Matanos L’evyonim with Checks and Credit Cards
Are you interested in joining adventures in halachic exploration? Then Exploring Modern Halachic Dilemmas is for you!
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 271
Language: English
Publisher: ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date: 05/02/2023
ISBN-10: 1422633322
ISBN-13: 9781422633328
Exploring Modern Halachic Dilemmas Volume 3 [Hardcover]
Applying Classic Approaches to Contemporary Questions
Based on Shiurim in Sefer Ratz Katzvi
By: Zvi Ryzman
But there is much more — and that is why he and this book are so special. He chooses topics that few people realize present halachic dilemmas, especially topics that relate to current issues, issues that may not have existed in the time of the classic poskim. Nevertheless, the Torah is so rich and all-encompassing that the principles are there — in the Talmud, the commentators, and response of previous generations and contemporary poskim. Has any posek ever wondered if one may send mishloach manos with a drone?
Rabbi Ryzman researches, analyzes, and elucidates. When he’s finished, we have a clear understanding of the topic and a very good idea of the various halachic approaches. In this, his third volume of Exploring Modern Halachic Dilemmas, he discusses, among other subjects, Rabbi Ryzman presents eleven fascinating discussions, among them:
- Traveling on Succos
- Flying on a Fast Day
- Matanos L’evyonim with Checks and Credit Cards
Are you interested in joining adventures in halachic exploration? Then Exploring Modern Halachic Dilemmas is for you!
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 271
Language: English
Publisher: ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date: 05/02/2023
ISBN-10: 1422633322
ISBN-13: 9781422633328
Exploring Modern Halachic Dilemmas Volume 3 [Hardcover]
Applying Classic Approaches to Contemporary Questions
Based on Shiurim in Sefer Ratz Katzvi
By: Zvi Ryzman
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