Ascent to Greatness

Brand: Feldheim Publishers
By: Avrohom Yaakov Rodkin
Product ID: 9781598269710 FREE GIFTS with your order - New gifts added monthly
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Ascent to Greatness
by Rabbi Avrohom Yaakov Rodkin

This motivational and scholarly work culls from a wide range of Talmudic, halachic, and ethical literature. It clarifies the core values and attitudes relating to the importance of Torah study, and how Torah is the ultimate tool to elevate the human being and bring him closer to Hashem. With extensive English footnotes and Hebrew source notes, this volume will be enjoyed by the student and scholar alike.
In the words of a contemporary rosh yeshiva: Ascent to Greatness was written to strengthen English speaking bnei Torah in their limud Torah. Based on the teachings of Chazal and Torah sages of the generations, the author has properly explained many important concepts related to Torah study and spiritual growth which every ben-Torah must know.

Dimensions: 6" x 9"
ISBN: 978-159826-971-0
Binding: Hard Cover / 295 pages

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