Toras Habayis LaRashba Bayis 2 Dinei Treifus Hebrew [Hardcover]
Brand: Feldheim PublishersBy: Shlomo ben Avraham ibn Aderet, Yosef Ingber
Product ID: 8696F
This item is part of New Seforim.

Bayis Sheini, Shearim 3-5, includes Hasagos Bedek Habayis L’ha’Re’ah, and Mishmeres Habayis L’Rashba.
Newly typeset with comprehensive commentary Chilonei Habayis by Rav Yosef Ingber.
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 9.5" x 12.5"
Pages: 300
Language: Hebrew
Publisher: Feldheim
Toras Habayis LaRashba Bayis 2 Dinei Treifus Hebrew [Hardcover]
By: Rav Yosef Ingber
Newly typeset with comprehensive commentary Chilonei Habayis by Rav Yosef Ingber.
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 9.5" x 12.5"
Pages: 300
Language: Hebrew
Publisher: Feldheim
Toras Habayis LaRashba Bayis 2 Dinei Treifus Hebrew [Hardcover]
By: Rav Yosef Ingber
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