The Making of a Halachic Decision Revised Edition [Hardcover]

Brand: Feldheim Publishers
By: Moshe Walter
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What constitutes a halachic discussion?
How do we arrive at each conclusion?
Why is the process so complex?
Who may serve as a halachic authority?
When can one ask a second halachic opinion?

In The Making of a Halachic Discussion, Rabbi Moshe Walter explores the history of halachic decision making, beginning with the Rif and Rambam continuing through the Mishnah Berurah and contemporary halachic works. Comprehensive definitions of halachic terminology are elucidated along with the laws of ruling on halachic queries and their application. Explore the fascinating world of p’sak halachah with this newly revised and designed edition. Your questions on the halachic process will be acknowledged and examined, ultimately resulting in an infinitely deeper appreciation of the ins and outs of this area of Torah.

“I am positive that anyone who brings this book into his house will be helped in many issues.”
-Rabbi Ephraim Greenblatt

“Many will learn from here how to successfully reach ture p’sak halachah.”
-Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky

“This work will be of great benefit to both teachers and students.”
-Rabbi Dovid Cohen

“This sefer clarifies in a profound and fundamental manner the method of p’sak and the basics of halachic decision making. It seems to me that it is very important for both poskim and laymen. … It excels in clarity, integrity, and great breadth.”
-Rabbi Asher Zelig Weiss

Rabbi Moshe Walter serves as the Rav of Woodside Synagogue Ahavas Torah and is the executive director of the Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington.

Binding: Hardcover
Size: 6" x 9"
Publisher: Feldheim Publishers
ISBN: 9781680256321

The Making of a Halachic Decision Revised Edition [Hardcover]
The laws and parameters of P'sak Halachah
By: Rabbi Moshe Walter

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