Storm Clouds [Hardcover]

Brand: Menucha Publishers
By: Sarah Feldbrand
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By the time I remembered to hide the book, it was too late. Tatte had seen it. A dark cloud swept over his face. However, he didn’t say a thing. He simply backed out of the room.
For Yiskah Pehrlshtayn, growing up in the sacred town of Kozhnitz, becoming friends with the Rebbe’s daughter, and picking strawberries with her mother fill the days of her childhood. But life isn’t all strolls in the forests and ribbons in her braids. The poverty and anti-Semitism in Poland are oppressive, giving rise to bold ideologies that promise to alleviate the suffering of the community.
The young people of Kozhnitz get caught up with the passion to change the world. But Yiskah yearns to be a Bais Yaakov teacher. Will she be able to resist the lure of the times and hold on to her dream?
Renowned author Rebbetzin Sarah Feldbrand has created a fascinating novel that reads like a memoir. Dive into Yiskah’s stormy world, where Torah and Chassidus wars with Socialism and Zionism, as she holds on tight to the enduring weapons of prayer, courage, and faith in Hashem that carry our nation through perilous times.

Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 456
Language: English
Published By: Menucha Publishers
ISBN-13: 9798888393475

Storm Clouds [Hardcover]
By: Sarah Feldbrand

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