Sefer Zos Brisi [Paperback]

Brand: Feldheim Publishers
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Sefer Zos Brisi [Paperback]

Product Description
This groundbreaking work, written specifically for teenage boys and men, deals with a topic that is crucial to our spiritual growth. In nineteen lucid, very readable chapters, the subject of maintaining our purity in thought, word and action is presented in a sensitive and inspiring way.

The book is divided into three sections: The Challenge, which explains the greatness of maintaining moral purity versus the spiritual damage of not doing so; Dealing with Nisyonos, which cites an array of sources on why we are tested spiritually and stories of those who overcame great tests in this area; and Battle Plans which outlines ways to overcome such tests and paths of teshuvah for those who have previously failed.

This book bears approbations from Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Rav Shmuel Wosner, Rav Moshe Sternbuch, Rav Malkiel Kotler and rav Gamliel Rabinowitz.

The thousands of copies sold of the Hebrew version, bear witness to how its contents are of great benefit to all. It is also an indispensable handbook for mechanchim whose students confide in them when dealing with these challenges.

Now Available in compact size!
Dimensions: 4.75X6.75
ISBN: 7743F
Weight: 0.5130 lbs
Binding: Paperback / 253 pages
Published by: Distributed By Feldheim
Language: Hebrew

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