Rabbi Nachman's Stories Revised [Hardcover]
Brand: Breslov Research InstituteBy: Aryeh Kaplan
Product ID: 9781944731601
Our Sages told stories to convey the deepest secrets about God and His relationship to the world. Rebbe Nachman expertly plied this ancient art to create some of the most intriguing stories and parables ever told. More elaborate than any previous teachings, the Rebbe’s allegorical stories are fast-moving, richly-structured and deeply insightful, while containing all the ingredients of a marvelously entertaining read. Rabbi Kaplan’s running commentary, drawn from the writings of Rebbe Nachman’s students, gives English-speaking readers access to authentic interpretations of these stories for the first time.
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 552
Language: English
Publisher: Breslev Research Institute (May 14, 2024)
ISBN-10: 1944731601
ISBN-13: 9780930213022
Rabbi Nachman's Stories Revised[Hardcover]
Translated and annotated by: Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 552
Language: English
Publisher: Breslev Research Institute (May 14, 2024)
ISBN-10: 1944731601
ISBN-13: 9780930213022
Rabbi Nachman's Stories Revised[Hardcover]
Translated and annotated by: Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan
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