Picture Perfect [Paperback]

Brand: Israel Book Shop
By: Batya Ruddell
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Picture Perfect
A Novel
By: Batya Ruddell

Product Description
Life is pretty much as "picture perfect" as you can get for the Kletner family. Rebbetzin Leah Kletner is a famous mechanches and school principal for decades. Her husband is an equally famous Rosh Yeshiva. They are well respected, blessed with children who have made "good" shidduchim and bring them much nachas.

Amidst this serene background they are suddenly thrown into complete turmoil when Zvi, one of their married sons, is arrested for seriously injuring a pedestrian while driving under the influence of alcohol. The fallout from this event has a ripple effect on Zvi’s siblings, wife and parents who all struggle to come to terms with it and the changes it has made in their lives. Through a sometimes painful, soul searching process comes the realization of what’s truly important in life and the real meaning of "Picture Perfect".

Author: Batya Ruddell
Dimensions: 5.5" X 8.5"
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-0-9888145-7-8
Length: 264
Media: Book
Publisher: Hamodia Treasures

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