Tuesday at Dawn

Brand: Judaica Press
By: Ruth Attias
Product ID: 9781607630890 FREE GIFTS with your order - New gifts added monthly
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Tuesday at Dawn: Stories and Advice from Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky A"H
As told first-hand to Ruth Attias

In a small corner of Lederman Shul in Bnei Brak, Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky A"H davened along with the Vasikin Minyan every morning at the break of dawn. The Author, Ruth Attias would join her there usually on Tuesdays the day graced with a double Ki Tov. Then one day, Rebbetzin Kanievsky stroked her hand and told her, "Ruthy, listen to the amazing story that took place here".

Since then, early every Tuesday morning, Mrs. Attias would sit next to the Rebbetzin, writing pad in her hand, pen poised to transcribe her words. The Rebbetzin spoke and her eager student wrote. "Someday I am going to publish these stories, " Mrs. Attias told her.

When the Rebbetzin was informed that the material was ready for printing, she expressed a desire to write a dedication for it. However, shorty thereafter, she returned her pure soul to her maker.

When her husband, Harav Hagoen Reb Chaim Kanievsky, Shlit"a, ready the original hebrew manuscripts, he declared "the stories here are true and they can install much Yiras Shomayim".

For those who knew Rebbetzin Kanievsky, and especially those who didn't Tuesday at Dawn will bring her words to life once again, and inspire readers of all ages.

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