Tehillim Book of Psalms with English Translation & Commentary [Hardcover]

Brand: Kehot Publication Society
By: Yosef B. Marcus
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Tehillim Book of Psalms with English Translation & Commentary [Hardcover]
by Yosef B. Marcus

Product Description
Tehillim with commentary from the Talmud, Midrash, Kabbalah, Classic commentators and the Chasidic masters

Tehillim . For simple poetic genius, for pathos, sweetness and heartfelt piety, King David’s Book of Psalms is unique.

The Psalms are songs of praise to the Creator, speaking of His greatness, goodness and mercy, as well as of His power and justice. The Psalms reflect the full spectrum of life’s experiences, both of the individual and of the Jewish nation collectively.

No wonder than that throughout the ages, Psalms has served as a boundless source of inspiration, courage and hope.

Rabbi Yosef B. Marcus has once again compiled a staggering treasure house of commentary and insights on this fundamental text, offering us a deeper appreciation for every letter and every word of Psalms.

Anthologized from hundreds of commentators, classic to obscure, this work will allow Tehillim readers to bring newly-found inspiration and meaning to their daily, weekly and monthly recitations.

The commentary is rounded off by an incisive Introduction, bibliography and index. The physical appearance is likewise enhanced by original artwork, two-color printing and an elegant deluxe binding.

Hardcover: 696 pages
Publisher: Kehot Publication Society (December 31, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0826601286
ISBN-13: 978-0826601285
Dimensions: 8.5" x 11"

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