Jewish Parables - Hardcover

Brand: ArtScroll Publications
By: Yisroel Bronstein
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Jewish Parables: A mashal for every occasion
by Rabbi Yisroel Bronstein

The parable has long been a favorite and very effective tool of some of our foremost leaders and teachers. Think of the Maggid of Dubno, the Chofetz Chaim, the Ben Ish Chai, Rabbi Shalom Schwadron - these great men were Mashal Masters, with the blessed knack of creating just the right story to make an essential point. Rabbi Yisroel Bronstein has learned their lessons well. In this valuable book, he has collected hundreds of parables from classic sources and arranged them by topic. Jewish Parables makes a delightful read, a welcome companion at the Shabbos table, and an invaluable source of material for speakers, teachers, parents, and anyone looking for a way to convey an idea or spice a talk.

ISBN-10: 1578193176
ISBN-13: 9781578193172
Binding: Hardcover / Pages: 321
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Published: by ArtScroll / Mesorah

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