Intelligentchik [Hardcover]

Brand: Feldheim Publishers
By: Devorah Benedict
Product ID: 9781680254778 FREE GIFTS with your order - New gifts added monthly
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Intelligentchik [Hardcover]
The Fun Way For Children To Explore, Think, And Learn New Things
By: Devorah Benedict

Product Description
Finally - a unique brain-building book that develops cognitive skills and emotional intelligence!

Intelligentchik gives every child a solid foundation for learning and emotional development, in an engaging and enjoyable way! Every page features exciting riddles and brainteasers that encourage thinking and enhance learning.

Your child will have a great time as he acquires:
Effective learning strategies
Language skills
Visual perception
Emotional intelligence
Logical thinking skills

Enjoy endless hours of enrichment and educational fun!

Binding: Hardcover
Size: 9" x 12"
Pages: 53
Publisher: Feldheim Publishers
ISBN: 9781680254778

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