Inquisition Part 1 CD

By: Rebbee Hill
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Inquisition - A Timless Story of Mesiras Nefesh - Part 1
by Rebbee Hill

Product Description
Go back in time with Rebbee Hill as he paints a vivid, verbal picture of one of the darkest periods of Jewish history. The Story of a Marrano family from the depths of despair to the heights of triumph. An epic tale of unparalleled Ahavas Hashem and Mesiras Nefesh. The place: Valencia, Spain. City of kings. Bastion of Spanish culture. The year: 1583. Both royalty and peasant alike shudder at the mere mention of the dreaded Inquisition. The man: Don Manuel Y. Aguilar. Wealthy merchant. His Jewish identity a closely-guarded secret.
Format CD
Release Date: December 2006

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