Blueprints of Bereishis [Hardcover]

Brand: Feldheim Publishers
By: Chaim Stepelman
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Blueprints of Bereishis
Understanding the names of parshios and people
by Chaim Stepelman

It is tempting to think that the names of the parshios serve as convenient titles, nothing more. Yet the reality is far deeper and more interesting. Consider just a few questions: Why are some parshios named after the protagonist of the parsha, while others are not? Why are some parshios named for the first word of the parsha, while others are not? Why do some parshios have very similar names (as in Vayera, Va’era and Re’eh,or Vayishlach, Beshalach and Shelach)? And why are there often so many disconnected topics in a single parsha?

Just as a person’s name is his essence, so too, the name of a parsha is its essence. Blueprints of Breishis is a revolutionary explanation of a topic that has never been fully explored before — the name of each parsha and of the main characters within it. Through the eyes of Chazal, the author weaves the various concepts within each parsha into a unified theme connected to its name. Both original and well-sourced, Blueprints of Breishis is fascinating for both the scholar and layperson.

Dimensions: 6" x 9"
ISBN: 978-1-937887-14-8
Weight: 1.3200 lbs
Binding: Hard Cover
Published by: Mosaica Press

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