Torah Insights - Paperback

Brand: ArtScroll Publications
By: Bertram Leff, Yisroel Epstein
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Torah Insights: Divrei Torah on the Parshiot Hashavua by leading rabbis and teachers
by Rabbi Bertram Leff and translated by Yisroel Epstein

This wonderful collection is sure to be a welcome and much perused guest on many thousands of desks, tables, and library shelves. It contains several brief discourses for every sidrah and festival of the year, collected from a wide array of the most prominent rabbis and teachers in Orthodox life.

The table of contents reads like an honor roll of thinkers, preachers, and writers, and all of them have contributed the cream of their sermons and essays. Every selection is relatively brief and easy to read, and all of them are rich in ideas. Included in the book are a wealth of insights and interpretations from Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik zt", as well as anecdotes and applications to modern life.

The purpose of this collection, published by the Orthodox Union, is to enrich Sabbath tables, of course, but it will also be a valuable source of ideas for rabbis, teachers, group leaders -- for anyone who needs and enjoys Torah thought. Edited by Rabbi Bertram Leff, assisted by Yisroel Epstein, this volume succeeds in tapping into rich veins of talent and community leadership. Its editors and authors know what works and what readers need. Even a cursory glance through its pages will convince the reader that it will be a constant, welcome, and useful companion.

The editors write in their Preface, It is our prayer that this collection of divrei Torah will inspire all who read it. It is our sincerest wish that these Torah Insights will add meaning to their daily lives and further their spiritual quests. Without a doubt, the editors’ wish will be fulfilled.



Rabbi Leff was the editor of Torah lnsights since its founding in 1995. He served the Orthodox Jewish community both in the pulpit rabbinate and organizational life until his retirement in 1997. For a period of fourteen years Rabbi Leff was the National Director of Synagogue Services for the Orthodox Union. He is a musmach of the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University where he studied under Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik zt"l. Rabbi Leff is also a graduate of Brooklyn College and Adelphi University and is the author of A Sociological Study of the Modern Orthodox Synagogue. Many of his sermons have been published in various anthologies of divrei Torah.


Mr. Epstein, co-editor of Torah Insights, is a graduate of Yeshiva Shaarei Torah in Monsey, New York, founded by Rabbi Berel Wein. Mr. Epstein is also a graduate of the New School for Social Research, and editor of the O.U. publication, Sason VeSimcha, An Anthology of Divrei Torah for Sheva Brachos.

ISBN-10: 1578195438
ISBN-13: 9781578195435
Binding: Paperback / Pages: 400
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
Published: by Orthodox Union

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