Ziv HaDeah Hilchos Mezuzah [Hardcover]

Brand: Israel Book Shop
By: Zev Hofstedter
Product ID: 9798886732252
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How does one establish the correct side of the door where a mezuzah should be affixed?
Where is the proper placement of the mezuzah on irregular doorways?
Which areas and entranceways are exempt from mezuzah?
What is the obligation of mezuzah in places of work, storage areas, public places, or temporary dwellings?
The mitzvah of mezuzah encompasses a vast amount of halachos. There are numerous details which can affect whether one fulfills the mitzvah properly. Contemporary design and layout of homes lends itself to many halachic questions that must be resolved, such as which is the "right" side of the doorway or whether an area is considered an entranceway and is thus obligated in mezuzah. Furthermore, the different types of doors and frames used nowadays can make determining the proper placement of the mezuzah more difficult.

In Ziv Hadeah: Hilchos Mezuzah, Rabbi Zev Hofstetder methodically explains the laws and customs pertaining to the mitzvah of mezuzah. Clear and comprehensive, this halachic guide illuminates the mitzvah that best identifies every Jewish home.

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Binding: Hardcover
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 197
Language: English
Publisher: Israel Bookshop Publications
Release Date: November 2024
ISBN: 979-8-88673-225-2

Ziv HaDeah Hilchos Mezuzah [Hardcover]
A Comprehensive Guide to the Halachos of Mezuzah
By: Rav Zev Hofstedter

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