Leatherette Eishes Chayil Tab Dividers Gray [Hardcover]
Brand: Mefoar JudaicaProduct ID: V10475
Sefer of Segulos, Tefillos, Techinos and Bakashos for an aishes chayil to recite. Divided with tabs for ease of locating the tefillos.
Includes hadlakas neiros, tefillas Chana, krias shema, hafrashas challah, tefillas haderech and more.
Color may differ slightly from illustration.
Binding: Leatherette Hardcover
Size: 4.75" x 6.5"
Pages: 80
Language: Hebrew
Color: Grey
Leatherette Eishes Chayil Tab Dividers Gray [Hardcover]
Includes hadlakas neiros, tefillas Chana, krias shema, hafrashas challah, tefillas haderech and more.
Color may differ slightly from illustration.
Binding: Leatherette Hardcover
Size: 4.75" x 6.5"
Pages: 80
Language: Hebrew
Color: Grey
Leatherette Eishes Chayil Tab Dividers Gray [Hardcover]
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