History, Heritage, Hope 4 CD Set

Brand: ArtScroll Publications
By: Yissocher Frand
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History, Heritage, Hope 4 CD Set An extraordinary historical journey
By Rabbi Yissocher Frand (Author)

Product Description
Join internationally-acclaimed speaker Rabbi Yissocher Frand on a breathtaking audio journey into the richness of European Jewish history - and gain a powerful legacy of insight, spirit, and faith.

Based on scintillating lectures delivered during a highly successful Nesivos summer tour of Europe, these talks cover critical swaths of Jewish history, offering eye-opening facts, elucidating hazy time periods, and introducing pillars of our leadership - all in the warm, compelling, inimitable-Rabbi Frand style.

How Rav Samson Rapael Hirsch saved German Orthodox Jewry

Step into Frankfurt, and discover the incredible tenacity and conviction of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch. Learn of the bitter battles he waged, the failures he faced, and how ultimately, this luminary's backbone and perspicacity salvaged 19th century German Orthodoxy.

The Life and Legacy of our Greatest Torah Commentator

Travel the fabled cities of Worms (Vermyza), Speyers (Shapira), and Magenza (Mainz), home of the yeshivos that molded our nation's greatest Torah commentator: Rashi. Hear about Rashi's outstanding commitment to his brothers, and his tireless work to resuscitate tens of communities decimated by the Crusades. Glimpse the numerous layers beneath his Divinelyinspired commentary, and appreciate why the writings of one brilliant, beloved scholar have illuminated the world for eternity.

A Tale of Shattered Hope, Fractured Communities and Century-Long Aftershocks

Walk through the alleys of Amsterdam, and find yourself riveted by the tragic debacle of Sabbatai Zvi: a story of purported magic and miracles, capped ultimately by a devastation that reverberated for centuries. Learn how Amsterdam's Ashkenazic community rav, Rav Tzvi Ashkenazi - better known as the Chacham Tzvi, reacted to this charlatan's movement from the start, jeopardizing his entire career and precipitating a decade of personal suffering. With this background, acquire a profound understanding of the sweeping, harrowing dispute between the Chacham Tzvi's son, Rav Yaakov Emden, and Rav Yonason Eibeschutz, Chief Rabbi of the "Three Communities" (Altona, Hamburg, and Wandsbek).

CD 4: TWO MILLENIA OF EUROPEAN JEWISH HISTORY - and Their Lessons for Eternity

In the final CD of the series, savor a fascinating retrospective as Rabbi Frand dynamically traces two thousand years of Jewish history - from the churban habayis through World War II - serving up timeless insights. Vivid, engaging, and content-packed, this is a series that will bring your heritage to life - and change the way you live

Format: Audio CD
Published By: Yad Yechiel Institute
Release Date: 11/16/2015

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