Haggadah Shel Pesach Eitz HaChaim [Hardcover]
By: Chaim Mintz, Chaim Asher ReichmanProduct ID: HEHAC
Explanations and mussar haskel lessons from the haggadah based on shmussen from R' Chaim Mintz - Mashgiach in Yeshiva of Staten Island.
Includes topics on Chodesh Nissan and Chag HaPesach.
Gain a deeper understanding into each part of the seder.
Life lessons gleaned from the Haggadah which will last long after the Seder.
Clear and easy to understand.
Includes chiddushim and hanhagos from R' Moshe Feinstewin and other gedolim.
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 6.7" x 9.7"
Pages: 322
Language: Hebrew
Haggadah Shel Pesach Eitz HaChaim [Hardcover]
By: Rabbi Chaim Mintz
Includes topics on Chodesh Nissan and Chag HaPesach.
Gain a deeper understanding into each part of the seder.
Life lessons gleaned from the Haggadah which will last long after the Seder.
Clear and easy to understand.
Includes chiddushim and hanhagos from R' Moshe Feinstewin and other gedolim.
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 6.7" x 9.7"
Pages: 322
Language: Hebrew
Haggadah Shel Pesach Eitz HaChaim [Hardcover]
By: Rabbi Chaim Mintz
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